Get Involved!

Join us in Washington DC on Thursday, September 28 for the introduction of the Green New Deal for Public Schools!

Register here
Event Flyer

Watch "Organizing for a Green New Deal for Public Schools" to hear how students and union teachers are building new coalitions for health, green schools!

Learn about the steps being taken by union teachers and student organizers across the country to win climate justice in their schools and contracts – and the federal government’s responsibility to invest in a just, climate-safe education system for students and their communities.

Register here

are you a student?

Youth-led campaigns are taking over schools. Together, we will fix our buildings and buses, force our schools to teach us the truth about the climate crisis, make student lunches free, create pathways to green jobs, and ensure our schools have a plan for when climate disaster strikes.

If you’re currently a high school student, organize for the Green New Deal for Public Schools in your community!

If you’re not a high school student, get involved in this new campaign to win a Green New Deal!

are you a union teacher?

Get involved with Labor Network for Sustainability’s Educators Climate Action Network, a labor-climate formation of union educators who educate and organize for healthy, green, fully-resourced public schools. 

ECAN holds monthly meetings generally on the 1st Wednesday of every month, where topics and strategies at the intersection of education and climate justice are discussed in depth. ECAN can also plug educators into climate action caucuses being formed inside union locals, state chapters, and at the national levels. Get connected with ECAN today!